Thursday 18 July 2013

I called the police detachment about people breaking into my apt

I called the police detachment about people
breaking into my apt, so they asked me if I
had been down by the lake,

oh ya, I called the cops around three or four
times & they kept asking me if I had been
down by the lake, I had pennies as talisman
over all my doors & I came home one day
& they were all gone,

so I called the RCMP & they asked me if I
had been down by the lake & then they told
me to do my own investigation, I asked them
to check out my claim so they said something
like this, that if I can't show the officers what
were stolen& missing then they wouldn't help

oh ya, I'm just gonna produce all those things
stolen, how am I supposed to get my hands on
the things stolen, I guess I was wrong that cops
do any other thing than arrest innocent guys
trying to live their lives, or that they deliver
pizza for the Pope & the Fathers out there

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