Tuesday 23 July 2013

Jay - hov - nigga Jay sus, jesus, Jay- z us, for he's by us

could you imagine if David was small only
cuz of his personality, & that physically he
was massive & related to Samson, & that
he found out he was related to Samson
when he talked Goliath into coming home,


why, but because David explained to
Goliath that Samson was a stud farm
for siring new massive kids to the
Philistines, & that when David explained
to Goliath that they were related that all
of their families of that of Samson & the
king Og all routed the philistines as David
realized when he met Goliath at the part
in the banks were the face off with Goliath

I imagine there were two banks on both
sides of the horizon, one where Israel
was & one where the Philles were, no
different than Sun-Tzu talking about
his warfare,

bet you anything that David's form of
warfare was psychological & not actually
literally killing people, he prolly got a lot
of people strung out in their minds the
way police & nurses & doctors have
interrogation techniques to throw people
off their shwang,

the main difference between David &
those the last 100s to 2K years is that the
true you-ish never kill people in literality,
while those hedged by their wickedness
do literally kill people,

when David took Abigail, it would have
been by David doing right by Nabal &
when he realized he was in the wrong to
David he died of fear, whether it was the
loss of his bird or just becoming dumb
as a one, I believe this would have been
Christipher Hitchen's state when he
realized through experience that, yep,
water boarding is torture,

when Chris Hitchens realized through
experience that water boarding is literal
torture that his world dissolved & he
came down with the supposed cancer
he died from due to his awareness of
the reality of life in Dachau

in the gospels Jesus tells them that in
the future people will believe that they
are supposed to kill people for God,
meanwhile the true you-ish were using
psych-warfare & those deluded by
foolishness were actually literally
killing people out of their fool blindness,

When Jesus was taking his cross up
the hill he said, if this is what they
do when the leaves are green, what
will they do what the branches are

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