Monday 22 July 2013

if you have eaten even one single steak taken from a human being additions made

in the days of Joshua it was rife, those in
the upper eschalons of society were all
cannibals, any person that Joshua healed
for leprosy was a cannibal,

Naaman was a cannabil, when Elisha got
him healed & Elishèa servant ran to him,
bang, that was Elishaès servant talking
Naamans servants into killing Naaman &
then everyone including the servant of
Elisha ate Naaman,

The only way you can get leprosy is by way
of cannibalism, there is no other way to get
leprosy other than being a cannibal,

When ever Joshua healed a guy with leprosy,
haha, if those 10 guys went back to the temple
to claim healing from leprosy that Joshua
healed them from, haha, the rulers of the temple
would have skewered & ate those 10 guys healed
of leprosy cuz theyèd think they could get a
schwang  of mojo off eating those guys healed
of leprosy,

thatès how it went down, if they found out
Joshua healed you they would find you &
eat you, but only Joshua knew that leprosy
comes from cannibalism, those island
communities that missionaries go to to teach,
you know what, those were or still are
cannibalistic centers,
the following is an addition

 could you imagine if any celeb or politician
who wants to get cremated is after no one
eating them after they die,

oh ya, imagine people eating Teddy Kennedy
after he died, or eating Jerry Falwell or eating
Chris Hitchens when he finally died,

waste not want not, ever wonder if they ate
Abe Lincoln or JFK or MLK or ate Monroe or

after all the more mojo in the body must do
something for those people who eat the dead,

cue the 13th warrior that I am in being a
wind-talker & one who lives in twilight,
so yep I figured it out, & btw, I imagine
you can not eat another person to get out
of the leprosy engendered from said

like I said, Elishas servant would have
talked the servants of Naaman to help
him eat Naaman since they would have
thought there was high schwanging mojo
in Naaman since he got healed, but after
the servant came back to Elisha, boo,
the servant got it good & full,

oh ya, it would be funny when Joshua
would heal people, cuz the only people
 who would need healing of the illnesses
 they had were those of the wicked,
Joshua would have known the hearts of
all those he healed & that they all would
 have took the healing & went back to
their lives of sin like cannibalism &
getting Leprosy one more time, either
that or being eaten by your family &
ruling establishment to try to steal the
schwang in your mojo, cuz they'd think
they could get it all through cannibalism

its possible that Paul had Leprosy as
well for his days of cannibalism & that
may have been the thorn in his side

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