Friday 26 July 2013

could you imagine if people actually thought that the richest man on the planet wanted his fingers & toes cut off to be used as doorstoppers for presidents & kings & prime ministers

could you imagine if people actually
thought that the richest man on the
planet wanted his fingers & toes cut
off to be used as doorstoppers for
presidents & kings & prime ministers,

the abreviation of Ronald is Bob, a
bob is a guy with no arms or legs
floating in the ocean,

could you imagine if people literally
thought that Donald Rumsfeld wanted
his arms & legs cut off,

weird reality huh,

could you imagine if the white cops in
the USA actually literally thought that
Obama wanted white cops to kill all the
black people in the USA,

could you imagine that the CIA enjoy
torturing people cuz they hope that one
day they will be tortured the same way
they tortured their clients & guests

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