Sunday 30 June 2013

the law your federal government abides by

nation I am happy to address you today,

with the rise in crime we have increaded

the federal funding of the state police

departments so the number of your

local precincts will be rising, as we have

had a boon in catholic parishes being

built the fathers will need more sons,

so in the face of so many fathers for

every couple blocks in said parishes,

these extra police departments will

be used to deliver pizza to the bishops

& fathers, again, what would a father

be with out sons, so the new recruits to

your local precincts will be delivering

pizza for the bishops all so happy to

have more meat for the elementary

schools in their washrooms, what would a

catholic father or bishop be without

a choir to sing whilst the father is

showing the appreciation for fresh

pizza, any true & honest father takes

care of his kids, especially when they

aren't his own, but our federal budget will

make a way for the bishops to convert the

lost as they eat their pizza delivered promptly

by the graduates of the state police academies,

as every officer has his night stick, soon

the pizza delivered by the local officers

will give the local fathers something to do

with their own personally endowed candle


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