Wednesday 26 June 2013

much to the dismay

many times whether we like it or not

things we've spoken over others &

ourselves or those things others have

spoken over us do indeed happen,

as corithians says we know in part &

prophesy in part, & not always but

most times if we say I wish I had

this or that, you know wha, things

do indeed have a habit of happening,

much to our own dismay, usually

those things that happen to us out

our longing are usually they things

we don't understand & that have the

power to shift our life, much like Mick

Jager saying we don't get what we

want we get what we need, so if

you have been begging for certian

things it doesn't usually happen the

way you have it planed, think of the

cowboy who is about to kill a magical

snake & the snake says he'll answer

him a wish, so the cowboy asks to be

hung like his horse, but when the

cowboy gets home he realizes he was

riding his gelding, booyah

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