Wednesday, 10 July 2013

I hear a lot of whispers of people who hate openly disseminated & empowering info

I hear a lot of whispers of people who hate
openly disseminated & empowering info,
most people won't read the bible let alone
transcribe it, but my 2 weeks of 9am to 5am
20 hour a day cross referencing of 5 different
bibles & the knowledge I have of Norse
mythology is what gave me the Zen cloud,

the pinnacle of the holy ghost is the state of Zen
enlightenment, I had the zen cloud for about
30 days before I lost it due to the massive
emotional power needed to keep it engaged in

for those 2 weeks at 20 hour days of cross
referencing those 5 bibles & my knowledge
of Norse mythology is what gave me the zen

if you dig deep into the bible & study it's
paradoxical meanings & try to tear it apart
as in searching for the meanings of the
scriptures instead of just lightly reading it,
you will begin to excell,

a lot of people who like to hide power
gifts to keep people stupid would hate me
openly giving these tools for growing
emotionally, gaining intelect, understanding
knowledge & things that open doors of

some out there like to hide the ways they got
the power they try to hold onto, while I am
trying to empower people, if you were to
transcribe 4 verses a day who knows how
long but it would deffo boost your intelligence,
understanding, intellect & knowledge among
other things,

one way that some actually use to recieve
enlightenment is by transcribing the scriptures
or their own or other books, if a rabbi in
Jewry gets enlightenment it would be be from
one thing alone & that would be from transcribing
the scriptures, I know of one rabbiI came in
contact with & he had zen at least for a while
any way,

oh ya, it is a deffo big possibility to recieve
Zen if you transcribe the scriptures, easily
the best way to recieve Zen is by transcribing
the scriptures on a daily basis, I can't give you
a time on how long, but if you regularly transcribe
the scriptures, oh ya I totally believe you will
reach the zen cloud,

a lot of people out there who hold the power
in finance & any power generally in politics
or any form of world power would not be a
fan of me giving this empowering info, but
me, I'm here for the people, while others
like a strangle hold on the power available,

I'm here to empower people not to enslave
them but to empower them, booyah, like I said,
if an Rabbi in Jewry has the zen cloud, it
was from transcribing the scriptures,

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