Saturday 29 June 2013

misc bible stuff

As Joshua talked of men hiding in mountains
& under rocks, this means that spirits will be
hiding in as a host powerful men & men of
averages, the mountains are the powerful men
& the rocks are just ordinary Joes, & on top
of that in the literal men would be hiding in caves
to avoid that of war, the sons of Jacob & their
blessing are that of archtypes of those who
would come after, 
Ruben was David & how David
was faulty in killing Uriah & Ruben slept with Rachel,
this was his comment on Ruben approaching his coach,
Leah gave the mandrakes to Rachel & in this Ruben went
into Rachel, This was where Jacob said that he was
like water cuz you can’t control water it does what it does,
apart from Sun-Tzu where to be like water is prized,
There must have at that time even like Sun-Tzu had
teaching on being like water, yet Jacob twisted it,
& also when Jacob blessed Judah,
 it was a backhanded
blessing cuz it was Tamar who held his rod, Judah went
into Tamar at the water fountain & gave her his rod
as a down payment & when Judah wanted to
stone Tamar for being pregnant she revealed the rod,
in this it could be possible that he never passed to life,
Jacob said the rod would never pass from between
his feet, but it was Tamar who now held the rod,
so the blessing was a covert way of Jacob blessing Tamar,
it is conceivable that Judah may not have passed to life for this
The Lord pretty much only taught the room,
a very favourite teaching of the east, in
Revelations 3:20, this is pure teaching
of the room, when the Lord talked about
visiting people in prison, he was talking
about reaching into people’s hearts &
trying to lift them out of their emotional
& the glass of water would
probably be like the film The Golden Child
IMDB starring Eddie Murphy where he
drinks a glass of water to be clean to reach
for the dagger which is encased in flame,
in the east as I have said that guys like
Osho or Baguan Rajneesh teach the room
with phrases like no hand, if you have read
Siddhartha you would know what I’m talking
about, in this book Siddhartha would have
escaped from the room, 
this is the saying
of being in the closet which has been
bastardized into a homosexual slang, the
truth of coming out of the closet is reaching
an inner peace with your life & moving on
out of the emotional prison of the sufferings
a person has experienced in hi-her life, oh
ya that is the true meaning of coming out
of the closet, but these phrases are
bastardized & are only truly understood by
those who are not wrapped up in the lower
class of understanding like Joe Public, even
the prophets in Ahab’s day knew of the room
as Micah told a false prophet that he would
know his wrong when he went to his inner
room, bang, 
locked up in his emotional prison,
Joshua talking about staying out in the field
& not coming home if a wiley woman is in
your house, or not going down from the roof
to the inside of the house, this is that of
staying away from the wicked spirits like
that of the scarlet women that is so
accessible with the media passing on wives
women& birds to people, 
this is the Lord’s
teaching of marriage, that as in the days of
Noah that people would be joined in spirit
with wicked spirits in the end of days as in
Noah’s day, this is what the Lord meant by
marriage, not flesh, but the fallen angels to
wed in spirit with the hearts of men, this is
where the Lord speaks on the ascension of
spiritual powers for those of the righteous
& the damned, it is these, to ascend from
stone to serpent to scorpion or the ascension
of bread to fish to egg, the day of Pentecost
was the day that the righteous were finally
let in, 
previously only the wicked had wives
& the righteous had salvation off the sweat
of their brows & the simple decisions they made,
while from the beginning the wicked always
had the ascension of spiritual power, at the
day of Pentecost the saved were finally brought
in to the fountain it could be said & then in
this received the spiritual powers of the
ascension of bread to fish to egg, but then
Joshua spoke so much in paradox so perhaps
the righteous are the stone serpent & scorpion,
after I got arrested the 3rd time these last
three years my understanding of the word
got damaged, but ya, very much so, most of
the Lord’s teachings were on the room, or our
inner sanctum that keeps us safe & can be
a prison if you have a lot of emotional torment
that keeps you away from people or that makes
you not a nice person, there is no such thing as
a mental illness, it would be better described as
emotional trauma, 
when you are so hurt
emotionally you can act differently from everyone
else due to the confusion in a person’s heart,
if you beat your kid he’ll be violent, if you
are kind, well you know, if you play head games
with your kid what do you think you’ll get out
of that, booyah, wow, pastors in N America
are so way off base in their teachings it’s
amazing, they have no teachings that are
faithful to the word or to Joshua’s teachings,
all they do is skirt the real meat of the Bible,
they don’t even try to reach into people’s hearts
to heal the emotional hurts of the people,
psychologists are really the only ones trying to
do the work that pastors should be doing,
 if you
meet a guy or girl you are interested in & are
trying to assuage what ever hurt they have
in their hearts, this is what pastors should
be doing to the masses, but instead pastors
approach it in sterility like they don’t wanna
get invested & stay at arms length from the
person or their issues like they have that as
their day job & they peal off the day of work
& go home like you did nothing all day,
the dead of Dachau doesn’t give a nation
the right to kill at liberty, you don’t see
native Americans out killing whities,
near every nation has suffered what
Israel had in WW2 only the camps are
nearest to our present time, Should blacks
be taking it out on whites too, 
being steeped in the zen cloud of the
holy ghost & being hit with the fire of
the holy ghost 7 times or more I know
the bible easily better than anyone else
out there, the most righteous king of Israel,
oh ya people forget too soon he killed a guy
for his wife but no one seems to care
about that point,
 why should his own
people care when they kill for a 20 mile
by 100 mile plot of land that they don’t
care about other than picking on the
people who live there, it’s like a war
that can’t be won but all the same
they plague those who live there with
violence even when they won’t make
a move to claim the land, what is this
a war to claim land or just give soldiers
a job killing people in a war they don’t
care about other than making sport of
those trying to live their lives in a land
where it seems that it’s illegal to make
a home, oh ya, 
people think the hand of
God is still on hear oh Israel, pffft, they
put a curse on their own decendants when
the hung the Lord, not to mention the
parable of Joshua saying that his death
is his divorce writ to get out of his
relationship with Israel, what God is gonna
bless a nation for trying to kill the people
on the land, 
you know what David just
barely got out of the murder he did to
Uriah does Israel think they can do the
same thing to the Palestinians & have
them get out of that murder, pfft, you
can’t willingly go through with the same
template against the Palestinians at will
& think you can get out on a death bed
Oh ya, Joshua’s death was
the divorce writ to get out of a relationship
with a backsliding heifer as I believe it was
Isaiah or Ezekiel who made note, pfft, what
kill people at will & you think the blessing
of the Lord is on your nation, tell me, what
is this war you have against gaza & the
west bank, what nation is your war with,
these are peasants trying to scrape by a
living off shrubs & bushes, what, is your
war against some world power, tell me
who is this war you fight against, what
is this powerful nation you are in battle
with, pfft, 
they probably don’t even have
a moped to got to the corner mart with,
oh ya, please do tell, who is this great
mighty nation you battle with, Pfft, I only
found three years agoI am of you-ish
blood stock after finding the name of the
playwright of Driving Miss Daisy, pfft, I
have non of your disgusting culture in my
life, Pfft, have the claim of God, give me
a break, oh ya btw who is this mighty
nation you are in battle with, 
Pfft, your
claim on the Elohim is like like a hooker
washing Joshua’s feet hoping for a second
chance, but like Isaiah said of the act as a
slag on Esau, you can come to me crying
on your hands & knees but you get nothing,
you are like your fathers ripping off their
siblings for a blessing or a birthright, Israel
is like a people who think they can ride
someone else’s coattails & swerve to avoid
the heritage of their fathers, what you forget
so soon you hung your king, it’s not enough
to hang your own king but also kill the
homeless of Gaza & the westbank, 
oh ya the
Lord was so right about you & you even to
this day continue to engage, you to this day
engage like that of Vlad the Impaler who
made banquets for the poor & when the barn
was full nail the doors shut & burn the barn
down, yep that was the tale of the 5 wise &
5 foolish virgins, more likely called a paradox
than a parable as most of the stories that
Joshua spoke were more along the lines of
paradoxes than anything else, booyah,
5 wise get into the banquet & the scribes
Sadducees & Pharisees barricade the doors
& burn the 5 wise in the last meal of their
life, good thing I’m not as wise as a jew who
would easily be able to take himself into
the highest rank of the banquet, 
oh ya, only
a jew would be wise enough to be able to
get in first, booyah, then comes ole Vladdy
& the nail gun, maybe even the same nail
gun that hung your king

I have covered these points before but I
may not have addressed you in the past,
I have read most of the Norse Myths of
Snori Snerrlson & Thucydides & a
biography of Alexander of Macedon,
In Genesis or the Book of Noah, Jacob
wrestles with an angel till morning &
the angel touches Jacob’s hip to make
it lames, 
I believe this is covered in the
myth of Thor & Loki’s journey to Utgard,
in this myth Thor dresses his two goats
that tow his chariot & they are used to
feed Thor loki & the family they stay with,
Thor tells the family not to break any
of the bones, but as the family is very
poor the son cracks the hip bone of one
of the goats & when Thor throws the
bones into the skins one goat is lame
in it’s hip, 
& in one myth loki is tied in a cave with
eagles eating his liver & the writhing he
makes causes earthquakes, these are equal
to the quakes that Joshua spoke of, but
what they really are is moon on the water,
the Lord said the quakes would be in diverse
places & this means that it would be moon
on the water for those in power would
usually would be too insulated to have
 if you don’t know what moon on the
water is, it is a poop eating grin, so those
who would usually have too much power
or money to have fear would begin to,
moon on the water, I read this from the
family traditions of the art of war from
the book of five rings, 
Ragnarok is when
Loki & his children rise to destroy those
called gods, but Odin & his like are actually
the titans or giants & Loki & his children
are the only true gods, in the end the Fenris
Wolf devours the god with one eye, this
could be seen to be the end of the eye
of Sauron on the back of the 1 dollar green
back, bragging about being the eye when
history tells of it’s demise in myth or
popular culture like the Lord of the Rings,
is this wise, I think not,
Thucydides & the history of the Peloponnesian
war is like that of a template of Israel vs
Judah, or man vs woman, Sparta being the
male & Athens the female, but as Joshua
spoke, a house divided against it’s self
can not stand, in this he is saying that
the house of the dark spirits would be
cleansed one day & the house of Gihon
in Ethiopia & the river Pison or Pisces or
the fish or the Lord Joshua who is light, 
Gihon the second river being the second
child of the Elohim in Lucifer, when Joshua
preached & taught he was not just talking
to the people but also to the spirits of
darkness, There is a tale in Isaiah of
how the Lord wouldn’t take the tearful
confession of Esau, this was an early
evaluation of when Mary washed Joshua’s
feet with tears, they beckon would not be
The parables where Joshua said
that when a man dies his wife is free to
remarry was his notice that when he died
it was his out of the relationship God had
with Israel, his death was his notice of
divorce, The tale of Alexander & the death
of his father is a very good template for
Lucifer in tense killing God his, 
her father
God in the garden & taking the throne
there with, you could almost say it was
a parallel allegory to the life of God &
that of the crown of Lucifer as at one time
I pondered whether Alexander was real
or the story was written out of the bible,
The story of Europa & the bull, oh ya,
right out of the Apocalypse 17 or the
book of Revelations, 
the woman on
the beast or if the bull is on the woman
of course missionary cuz you don’t
want wickedness to reign in the woman
on top so you try to Christianise it &
put the man on top, as I’ve told many
others, in Canada they preach money,
in the USA they preach psychology, I
have literally wondered at times whether
Americans even know what a bible is, 
haha, the Hellenists of the AD in the new
testaments are not Greeks however,
they are secular Jews, the woman of
John 16:21 is opened up more in the 12th
chapter of the Apocalypse 12, same story,
after David killed Uriah the husband of
Bathsheeba as I’ve said before, the game
of killing had now become murder, it
would have been a tight chance for David
to make it to glory after that but I believe
he made it, 
but like I said death took a
whole new turn after that act, Killing people
for a parcel of land isn’t the kind of thing
that will get you past the gates, btw,
the star on the flag of Israel is not a
godly design, it is steeped in occultic
heck even Paul tried to tell people
that it is disgusting to associate Christ
with the cross when the act of crucifixion
was always in that day a means of
sacrificing people to the sun god I
believe Moloch, people started wearing
crosses cuz they tried to divide the root
of the cross & Christ & the cross & the
sun god, oh ya as if you can Christianise
a pentagram too, ridiculous, just cuz he
hung on a cross, now the cross or means
of sacrificing people to Satan makes the
cross a good go, pfft, Even in Job’s day
they hung people, this was his comment
that he doesn’t kiss his hand when he
passes a Tau or cross, 
no different that
Catholics kissing their rosary, & also,
all the ribbons for support this or that
like the support breast cancer pink ribbon,
booyah it’s just a turned over Christian
fish symbol, If you have a picture of a
woman kneeling on her heels boom same
conceptual design, 

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